The Fellowship of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts is one of
the oldest Alumni art non-profts in America. Staffed solely by volunteers, which
speaks of the impressive loyalty and dedication of our Board and artists.
An independent entity, its purpose is to benefit the all Academy Alumni.
On Monday evening, April 19, 1897, approximately five hundred people met in the
Pennsylvania Academy lecture room to form an organization of alumni that would
come to be known worldwide as The Fellowship of the Pennsylvania Academy of
the Fine Arts. They came together at the behest of Edward H. Coates, President
of PAFA, and Harrison S. Morris, Managing Director. The idea had been endorsed
by 32 prominent artists. Robert Vonnoh, a former student and later Academy
instructor, suggested that a notice be sent to several thousand alumni.
After 123 years we are still going strong and are proud to announce this
years Annual Exhibition at the HOT•BED Gallery from November 7 to 28,
2020. This year our Juror is Rebecca O’Leary and she has selected the work
and awards this year. Due to the Covid virus we are not holding a public opening,
however, the gallery is open on specific days and hours for visitors by appoint-
ment only. Simply visit the gallery website to plan your visit.
This exhibition displays 59 works by the Academy Alumni along with six new
Fellowship 2020 acquisitions for our Collection that was started in 1926.
John Thornton and Miriam Seidel both Academy alumni will be creating a video of the
entire exhibition that will be linked to our website later in November.