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Sacred Geometry

HOT•BED invites you to view Sacred Geometry, an exhibition featuring Philadelphia based artists Phyllis Gorsen and Paula Cahill. The Opening Reception will be held Saturday, February 9th from 6-10pm!

Gorsen and Cahill’s works invite the viewer into a colorfully intertwined universe. These abstract pieces are inspired by the origin of line and how it plays with contemporary shapes, colors, and concepts. The syncretism of past and present, combined with Bryan Hoffman’s custom horticulture, work harmoniously to emphasize the connection between geometric and organic elements. Experience the energetic impact of these vibrant works as we transform our space in our first new exhibition of 2019.



Phyllis Gorsen

"Between Heaven and Earth"

Acrylic and wood and canvas

35 x 40 in.



Phyillis Gorsen


(Installation view)


Phyllis Gorsen

"Interlink 1"

Acrylic and Flash on canvas

10 in. round

Phyllis Gorsen

"Interlink 2"

Acrylic and Flash on canvas

10 in. round

Phyllis Gorsen

"Interlink 3"

Acrylic and Flash on canvas

10 in. round

Phyllis Gorsen

"Interlink 4"

Acrylic and Flash on canvas

10 in. round

Phyllis Gorsen

"Interlink 5"

Acrylic and Flash on canvas

8 in. round

Phyllis Gorsen

"Interlink 6"

Acrylic and Flash on canvas

8 in. round

Phyllis Gorsen

"Interlink 7"

Acrylic and Flash on canvas

8 in. round

Phyllis Gorsen

"Interlink 8"

Acrylic and Flash on canvas

8 in. round

Phyllis Gorsen

"Interlink 12"

Acrylic and paper on canvas

5 in. round

Phyllis Gorsen

"Interlink 10"

Acrylic and paper on canvas

5 in. round

Phyllis Gorsen

"Interlink 11"

Acrylic and paper on canvas

5 in. round

Phyllis Gorsen

"Interlink 12"

Acrylic and paper on canvas

5 in. round


Phyllis Gorsen

“Of a Circular Nature”

(installation view)


Phyllis Gorsen

"Of a Circular Nature- Trees"

Acrylic on canvas

20 in. round

Phyllis Gorsen

"Of a Circular Nature- Honeycomb"

Acrylic on canvas

20 in. round

Phyllis Gorsen

"Of a Circular Nature- Plants"

Acrylic on canvas

20 in. round

Phyllis Gorsen

"Of a Circular Nature- Flowers"

Acrylic on canvas

20 in. round


Phyllis Gorsen

"Sunkissed and Moonstruck"

Acrylic on attached round canvases

20 x 10 in.


Phyllis Gorsen

"Essence and Pursuit"

Acrylic and wood and canvas

72 x 52 in.

Phyllis Gorsen"Rain or Shine"Acrylic on canvas24 x 12 in.

Phyllis Gorsen

"Rain or Shine"

Acrylic on canvas

24 x 12 in.


Phyllis Gorsen


Acrylic and Flash on canvas

30 x 30 in.

Phyllis Gorsen

"Where It Was #1”

Acrylic on canvas, foam core, mylar and wood

36 x 21 in.

Phyllis Gorsen

"Looking for the Forrest Through the Trees"

Acrylic on canvas

36 x 36 in.


Paula Cahill"Iteration"2019Oil on panel24 x 24 in.

Paula Cahill



Oil on panel

24 x 24 in.

Paula Cahill"Exit"2019Oil on canvas48 x 36 in.

Paula Cahill



Oil on canvas

48 x 36 in.


Paula Cahill

"Iteration II"


Oil on panel

24 x 24 in.


Paula Cahill

"Ravel II"


Oil on panel

24 x 24 in.

Paula Cahill

"Night Diving"


Oil on canvas

16 x 20 in


Paula Cahill



Oil on panel

24 x 24 in.

Paula Cahill

"Back Pocket"


Oil on canvas

11 x 14 in.

Paula Cahill



Oil on canvas

36 x 24 in.

Paula Cahill



Oil on panel

14 x 11 in.


Paula Cahill

"Looking Glass"


Oil on canvas

48 x 48 in.