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Studio Member Showcase 2020

We turned over the keys to our Studio Members for the first ever HOT•BED Studio Member Showcase! Visitors were able to have the opportunity to view exciting new works being produced right here at 723 Chestnut Street. They joined us as we celebrated the artists and our larger HOT•BED community with a concert, film screening and art market.

Orlando Saverino-Loeb is a Philadelphia born artist. His work is influenced by surrealist imagery, the compositions in 19th century Romanticism paintings, and extended stays in Italy. He deconstructs the environments he’s experienced, and rebuilds them as reflections on humans and their activities. He uses characters, symbols, and visual metaphors to create a sense of familiarity that facilitates the creation of unique new ideas and insights into the minds of his viewers.

Emily Rothstein is a Philly-grown artist. Her current focus is on wearable soft sculptures and videography, but her work has also included make-up and aesthetic prosthesis. When she’s not fantasizing of a more mystical world she can generally be found playing with bugs, skateboarding and eating lychee.

Amanda Cappelli is a Philadelphia painter who works with both oil and acrylic. She creates large scale pieces with saturated color to express intense emotions and personal struggle. Amanda recently graduated from The University of the Arts in Philadelphia and is currently working in her studio to continue her work related to the expression of struggle and frustration.

Emily Rothstein"Under the Rainbow"Mixed media installation2020

Emily Rothstein

"Under the Rainbow"

Mixed media installation



Emily Rothstein

"Under the Rainbow"

Mixed media installation


Emily Rothstein"Under the Rainbow"Mixed media installation2020

Emily Rothstein

"Under the Rainbow"

Mixed media installation


Amanda Cappelli"Darkness"36 x 42 in.Acrylic on canvas2020

Amanda Cappelli


36 x 42 in.Acrylic on canvas


Amanda Cappelli"Transparant"33 x 26 in.Oil on canvas2020

Amanda Cappelli


33 x 26 in.

Oil on canvas


Amanda Cappelli"Blue"28 x 20 in.Acrylic on canvas2020

Amanda Cappelli


28 x 20 in.

Acrylic on canvas


Amanda Cappelli"Future" 45 x 35 in. Acrylic on canvas2020

Amanda Cappelli


45 x 35 in.

Acrylic on canvas


Amanda Cappelli"Fear"42 x 32 in.Acrylic on canvas2020

Amanda Cappelli


42 x 32 in.

Acrylic on canvas


Amanda Cappelli"Mixed Emotions"38 x 30 in. Acrylic on canvas2020

Amanda Cappelli

"Mixed Emotions"

38 x 30 in.

Acrylic on canvas


Amanda Cappelli"Quiet"24 x 24 in. Oil on panel2020

Amanda Cappelli


24 x 24 in.

Oil on panel



Orlando Saverino-Loeb"Landforms and Figure”Rugs, spray paint, paper drop-cloth, plywood, pine, extruded polystyrene foam, spackle, latex primer, hot-glue, hardware cloth, batting, staples, fishing line2020

Orlando Saverino-Loeb

"Landforms and Figure”

Rugs, spray paint, paper drop-cloth, plywood, pine, extruded polystyrene foam, spackle, latex primer, hot-glue, hardware cloth, batting, staples, fishing line


Orlando Saverino-Loeb"Scorched earth"48 x 48 in. Acrylic, ink, gesso and spray-paint on canvas2020

Orlando Saverino-Loeb

"Scorched earth"

48 x 48 in.

Acrylic, ink, gesso and spray-paint on canvas



Orlando Saverino-Loeb"The Cheerleader"18 x 15 in. Acrylic and gesso on canvas2019

Orlando Saverino-Loeb

"The Cheerleader"

18 x 15 in.

Acrylic and gesso on canvas


Orlando Saverino-Loeb"The Volcano Watchers"13 x 18 in.Acrylic and gesso on canvas2019

Orlando Saverino-Loeb

"The Volcano Watchers"

13 x 18 in.

Acrylic and gesso on canvas


Orlando Saverino-Loeb"Up and Out"19 x 15 in.Acrylic and gesso on canvas2019

Orlando Saverino-Loeb

"Up and Out"

19 x 15 in.

Acrylic and gesso on canvas


Orlando Saverino-Loeb"Beachin Cliffs"24 x 24 in.Acrylic, ink, gesso, marker, and spray paint on canvas2020

Orlando Saverino-Loeb

"Beachin Cliffs"

24 x 24 in.

Acrylic, ink, gesso, marker, and spray paint on canvas


Orlando Saverino-Loeb"The Mentorship"19 x 15 in.Acrylic and gesso on canvas2019

Orlando Saverino-Loeb

"The Mentorship"

19 x 15 in.

Acrylic and gesso on canvas


Orlando Saverino-Loeb"The Entertainer"29 x 24  in. Acrylic, ink, spray paint, spackle and gesso on canvas2019

Orlando Saverino-Loeb

"The Entertainer"

29 x 24 in.

Acrylic, ink, spray paint, spackle and gesso on canvas


Orlando Saverino-Loeb"The conversationalists"14 x 11 in.Acrylic and gesso on canvas2020

Orlando Saverino-Loeb

"The conversationalists"

14 x 11 in.

Acrylic and gesso on canvas


Orlando Saverino-Loeb"The Skydancer"14 x 11 in.Acrylic and gesso on canvas2020

Orlando Saverino-Loeb

"The Skydancer"

14 x 11 in.

Acrylic and gesso on canvas


Orlando Saverino-Loeb"The Conch Walker"19 x 15 in.Acrylic and gesso on canvas2019

Orlando Saverino-Loeb

"The Conch Walker"

19 x 15 in.

Acrylic and gesso on canvas


Orlando Saverino-Loeb"Cool as a cu-coom bear"18 x 14  in.Acrylic and gesso on canvas2019

Orlando Saverino-Loeb

"Cool as a cu-coom bear"

18 x 14 in.

Acrylic and gesso on canvas


Orlando Saverino-Loeb"Cloud Skull"9 x 10 in.Acrylic, spray paint, and ink on canvas2020 

Orlando Saverino-Loeb

"Cloud Skull"

9 x 10 in.

Acrylic, spray paint, and ink on canvas


Orlando Saverino-Loeb"A Presidential Distortion"26 x 24 in.Acrylic and ink on canvas2018

Orlando Saverino-Loeb

"A Presidential Distortion"

26 x 24 in.

Acrylic and ink on canvas


Orlando Saverino-Loeb"Wasted Beach"  48 x 64 in. Acrylic, oil, ink, sand, UV reactive paint on canvas2016

Orlando Saverino-Loeb

"Wasted Beach"

48 x 64 in.

Acrylic, oil, ink, sand, UV reactive paint on canvas


Orlando Saverino-Loeb"Sante Sotto Nuvole"48 x 64 in. Acrylic, ink, sand, gesso, marker, and spray paint on canvas2019

Orlando Saverino-Loeb

"Sante Sotto Nuvole"

48 x 64 in.

Acrylic, ink, sand, gesso, marker, and spray paint on canvas


Orlando Saverino-Loeb"The Cheese Man Cometh" 52 x 66 in.Acrylic, ink, marker, spray paint, and gesso on canvas2018

Orlando Saverino-Loeb

"The Cheese Man Cometh"

52 x 66 in.

Acrylic, ink, marker, spray paint, and gesso on canvas