Summer Rush

SUMMER RUSH is a dual-gallery, all female group exhibition at James Oliver Gallery & HOTBED, featuring a variety of local, national, and international female contemporary artists. Summer Rush was curated by and took place at James Oliver Gallery as well as their sister gallery HOT•BED, where custom horticulture by Bryan Hoffman will accentuate the organic feel and intense color pallets of this show. The incredible line-up includes a diverse array of works by artists: Michele Kishita, M.K. Komins, Elizabeth Bergeland, Nat Girsberger, Alicia LaChance, Juliet Sugg, Kristen Reichert, Caitlyn Grabenstein, Molly Goldfarb, Ekaterina Popova, Erica Bello, Katelyn Liepins, and Nikki Painter. The scope of media includes abstract, surreal and hyper-realistic painting, collage, illustration, jewelry, and much, much more. Summer Rush magnified the entropy of the season and eviscerate a notion of excitement and activity brewing and cultivating in our spaces.

"RIPE"Elizabeth Bergeland30 x 40 in.Oil On Canvas


Elizabeth Bergeland

30 x 40 in.

Oil On Canvas

"The Blue Line"Elizabeth Bergeland60 x 60 in.Oil On Canvas

"The Blue Line"

Elizabeth Bergeland

60 x 60 in.

Oil On Canvas

"Sir Babygirl"M.K. Komins30 x 22 in.Mixed media painting; oil, acrylic digital color and bleach on canvas

"Sir Babygirl"

M.K. Komins

30 x 22 in.

Mixed media painting; oil, acrylic digital color and bleach on canvas

"Nooran" M.K. Komins38 x 30 in.Mixed media painting; oil, acrylic digital color and bleach on canvas


M.K. Komins

38 x 30 in.

Mixed media painting; oil, acrylic digital color and bleach on canvas

"Sara" M.K. Komins28 x 22 in.Mixed media painting; oil, acrylic digital color and bleach on canvas


M.K. Komins

28 x 22 in.

Mixed media painting; oil, acrylic digital color and bleach on canvas

"Imp Kid"  M.K. Komins46 x 36 in.Mixed media painting; oil, acrylic digital color and bleach on canvas

"Imp Kid"

M.K. Komins

46 x 36 in.

Mixed media painting; oil, acrylic digital color and bleach on canvas

"Jasmine"  M.K. Komins32 x 24 in.Mixed media painting; oil, acrylic digital color and bleach on canvas


M.K. Komins

32 x 24 in.

Mixed media painting; oil, acrylic digital color and bleach on canvas

"Addy" M.K. Komins38 x 22 in.Mixed media painting; oil, acrylic digital color and bleach on canvas


M.K. Komins

38 x 22 in.

Mixed media painting; oil, acrylic digital color and bleach on canvas

"Switching Gears" Katelyn LiepinsTape on PVC Panel

"Switching Gears"

Katelyn Liepins

Tape on PVC Panel

"Half a Heart" Elizabeth Bergeland20 X 16 in.Oil on canvas.

"Half a Heart"

Elizabeth Bergeland

20 X 16 in.

Oil on canvas.

"Half a Heart"Elizabeth Bergeland20 X 16 in.Oil on canvas.

"Half a Heart"

Elizabeth Bergeland

20 X 16 in.

Oil on canvas.

"Night Garden #2" Nikki PainterPen and collage

"Night Garden #2"

Nikki Painter

Pen and collage

"July Garden with Diamonds"  Nikki PainterPen, gouache, colored pencil, and collage.

"July Garden with Diamonds"

Nikki Painter

Pen, gouache, colored pencil, and collage.

"Lean-to" Nikki PainterGouache, pencil, colored pencil, pen, acrylic, ink, and collage on paper


Nikki Painter

Gouache, pencil, colored pencil, pen, acrylic, ink, and collage on paper

"Wasteland with Hopeful Structure" Nikki PainterGouache, pen, pencil, and collage

"Wasteland with Hopeful Structure"

Nikki Painter

Gouache, pen, pencil, and collage

"Climb (Dream)" Nikki PainterModel wood, gouache, acrylic, mirror, foam core, and pins

"Climb (Dream)"

Nikki Painter

Model wood, gouache, acrylic, mirror, foam core, and pins

"Climb (Night)"Nikki PainterModel wood, gouache, acrylic, mirror, foam core, and pins

"Climb (Night)"

Nikki Painter

Model wood, gouache, acrylic, mirror, foam core, and pins

"Woven Planet (Pieced)" Nikki PainterGouache and colored pencil

"Woven Planet (Pieced)"

Nikki Painter

Gouache and colored pencil

"Clown Town" Caitlyn Grabenstein 12 x 9 in.Markers on paper

"Clown Town"

Caitlyn Grabenstein

12 x 9 in.

Markers on paper

"Waters Architecture" Michele KishitaLatex on birch panel

"Waters Architecture"

Michele Kishita

Latex on birch panel

"Sky's Perfect Cacophony" Michele KishitaLatex on birch panel

"Sky's Perfect Cacophony"

Michele Kishita

Latex on birch panel

"Nature's Optimistic Revelry" Michele KishitaLatex on birch panel

"Nature's Optimistic Revelry"

Michele Kishita

Latex on birch panel

"Face Your Fears"  Caitlyn Grabenstein Digital collage print

"Face Your Fears"

Caitlyn Grabenstein

Digital collage print